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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oh The Joys of Working with Women!

I can already tell that this week at work is going to be a difficult one. My technical title is Quality Assurance Coordinator, but my boss has pulled me in to assist with some of the marketing, since I'm the one who gets to hear what the customers actually want.

Last Friday in our bi-weekly meeting he completely tossed me under the bus with the current marketing manager. In my personal opinion I think her job is harder than hell and extremely time consuming. But some things about it I consider fun. I have enjoyed getting into managing our social media (hence how I stumbled into Blogging recently) and I also enjoy picking out photos and helping make our ads a little more visually appealing. However, he told our marketing manager that she now needs to go through me before she publishes any ads or posts anything to one of our various sites that I'm currently taking care of. I'm not trying to pat myself on the back, but I've been getting results and basically doubled our following since I took over the content. I don't think for one moment though that I am more qualified than she is. I think the difference is that I am having fun with this stuff and she's not.

I appreciate her input and her expertise, but the last two days she's kind of been a little nasty about it. She's picking apart everything that I put up and putting it down. Yesterday I had updated out cover photo for Facebook with something for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and she proceeded to send me an email (mind you, we're about 10 whole feet away from each other) to tell me that we should keep our content strictly about our business. I am rather unsure how she found this the least bit offensive considering the fact that it's a national holiday and all, but apparently it upset her greatly.

But then I notice this...

Can someone please tell me how this is tire related at all?

If you ask me, this appears to be highly political and more likely not a very play it safe kind of move considering all the controversy about Obama being re-elected. (Side note: she did not ask me or even show me what she was planning.)

So this is not potentially offensive, but us publicly recognizing a national Holiday is? I'm confused...

When I was telling James about it over dinner he told me that she's threatened by me. I don't know how much clearer I can make this... I DON'T WANT HER JOB!


  1. I agree that she's threatened by you. If it were me, I'd probably confront her and make it clear that you don't want her job and would like to work as a team. Easier said than done, I know - but I've always thought that the straightforward approach is the best one. I just noticed my button on your blog - thanks for that! And, you now have a follower. :)

  2. Thank you very much, I appreciate it. And while I don't want her job our General Manager has no basically told me that I'm in charge of her. I'm trying my best to keep it as a team effort at the moment. But he advised this morning that I shouldn't allow my kindness to be my weakness. Something I need to work on I guess.


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